Saturday, June 27, 2015

Same Sex legal in all 50 states

Yesterday on Friday June 26, 2015 the United States Supreme Court in a 5-4 ruling legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states. Lot were happy about the ruling and there were plenty of people that weren't pleased with it. If you're not pleased with it that's you however don't go around acting like a damn dictator telling people how they live their lives because whoever they sleep with is no one's business but theirs worry about yourself & quit worrying about shit that has nothing to do with you. In Texas (where I live) some of the counties handed our marriage licence within hours after the ruling I am excited when I have kids I want them to grow up to accept people regardless of race gender sexual orientation not be influenced by ignorance & bigotry ain't no sin bigger than the other one you can't be judging people for committing a sin because you're just showing how much of a hypocrite you're being last time I checked it was a sin to judge other people so you have absolutely no room to say a word because no one's perfect like Elvis said "You tend to your business & I'll tend to mine" meaning Don't worry about what I do behind close doors & I won't worry about what you do as well